Bailey + Torrey // Grand Rapids, Michigan

If you have ever met Bailey, you would for sure describe her as strong, determined, hard working, dedicated, and just a straight boss.  She is focused and has a leader personality.  If you were to think of the song Independent Women from 2001, this girl… she rocks it.  While I have only known her a short time, I quickly grew to appreciate and envy her focus and boss personality.  This past Saturday Bailey FINALLY got married to the love of her life, Torrey.  And let me tell you what, I will never forget watching the shift the minute she got to be with Torrey.

Immediately after their ceremony I quickly watched her melt into Torreys arms, and I am pretty sure she never left the rest of the night.  He is her steady, her safe, and her person; that was evident watching her soak up every second she had with him following their ceremony.  After all of the waiting, all of the planning, the hard work that was “perfect” for a girl like Bailey, it was one giant breath of relief to finally be married to the man she loves more than anything.  

I am going to throw her under the bus here, but I remember multiple times while she was crying her girlfriends say things like, “wow we have never seen you cry”.  I 100% am a crier so I teared up just from watching her, but it’s the overwhelming emotion of “wow, its finally here, we are finally married, and we can move on with our new life”, which is exactly what they wanted and needed, and it was a gift to be there to capture it.  

 Vendors //

Makeup / Erick Gerson

Hair / Sydney Spellis

Dress / Calla Blanche

Florist / Gilded Thistle

Videographer / Dominic Krupp

DJ / Blue Water Kings Band